Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's grim up North...

Well, following a brief scare back in September, it looks as though winter is finally upon us up here. It's been a grey, dank, blustery day today (like Manchester in July), and as I write the snow has now started to fall in earnest. And in Inukjuak. I've always wondered where 'Earnest' is, as they always refer to it on the news: 'fighting has begun in Earnest', 'the election campaign has begun in Earnest', and now 'winter has begun in Earnest.' Not quite sure where it is; think it might be in Saskatchewan.

Only last Friday we were out walking on the beach in shirtsleeves, such is the changeability of the weather in these parts, and local opinion is divided as to whether the snow will settle, but it would seem as if that is it for us now.

Not sure where 'Shirtsleeves' is either. Alberta, maybe..?



If you want to know where Earnest visit:

And there is a Milton Ernest quite close to us here in MK.


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