Monday, October 5, 2009

Making mountains out of molehills

Still feeling somewhat pleased with myself following my dalliance with mountaineering at the weekend, I decided to tell my class all about my experience today. However, rather than receiving congratulations and plaudits for my escapade, my story was greeted with comments such as "so you walked up the small hill, eh?" and "maybe next time you can try the big one" (Mr C., you were right!).

I immediately realised that my feat was distinctly less impressive than I'd imagined, and as a result perhaps my previous post would have been better off being titled The Englishman who thought he'd gone up a mountain only to be informed that he'd really just walked up a large hill. This realisation was confirmed when Sarah, a colleague of mine here (hi Sarah!), left a comment on that post explaining that she and her husband had climbed the same peak two weeks ago, sharing their baby carrier between them.

So, weather permitting, I shall attempt to scale Kangiqsujuaq's east peak this coming weekend, although given the fact that we now have snow forecast every day between now and then, I can't promise anything; I'm such a fair weather mountaineer!


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