Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks for what?

It's not without irony - proper irony too, none of your Morissettian misunderstanding here - that on Thanksgiving Day (for Americans, anyway) I'm feeling somewhat down and decidedly unthankful. I've been ill for the last couple of days which hasn't helped (although I've still managed to make it into school), and in that time a number of problems and challenges have presented themselves which have led me to question whether where I am at the moment is actually where I want to be.

I won't burden you with the details of my travails - after all, a problem shared is a problem doubled - save to say that none of them are life-threatening and, compared to all the troubles that exist in the rest of the world, none of them are probably worth fretting and fussing over at all. However, one doesn't live in 'the rest of the world,' and in the part of it that forms my own personal little bubble there are a great many frustrations to be dealt with at the moment. Any one in isolation could be manageable but problems, like buses, never seem to arrive on their own and their effect on each other tends to be exponential rather than summative.

The fact that I've started to use words like exponential and summative is probably a sign that I should sign off now. The working man's tonic, otherwise known as the weekend, is almost upon us, and a couple of day's R&R is probably just what I need right now. Thanks for reading, and I promise to make the next post a little more light-hearted!



It could be worse. You could be waking up to Decorations Day! Have a restorative weekend, PC


Very true; all of a sudden I feel much better!


Is a 'cyber-hug' in order? Try to be thankful for the best wishes and positive vibes that are being sent your way. I do believe that somebody very famous once said "November is the cruelest month", but maybe Im 'digesting'... :)

Saving a nice cold Guiness for your not too distant return! Dan



Cyber-hug received!

Looking forward to the Guiness; I'll be back in three weeks.

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