Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My secret life

I was idly Googling myself today (narcissistic I know, but sometimes there's little else to do here), and to my immense surprise I found that I have been leading a secret life.

In the Netherlands.

It seems that Gideon Eames is a character in the virtual world of Second Life, and is resident somewhere in the Netherlands. I was even able to find a couple of pictures:

Handsome devil, aren't I? Now, quite what I get up to in this virtual world is anyone's guess. I wonder what I do? Rather a nice rocking chair there, looks like a roaring open fire, large window, sea view, nifty shades; seems I'm doing alright. Rock star? Footballer? Neurosurgeon? CSI special agent? Talk show host? Gigolo? OK....maybe not a gigolo.

Or what if my existence up here in the North is the virtual life? There would be some poor Dutch guy, albeit very well dressed, who'd just found on Google that he'd been leading a double life as a down at heel teacher in the sub-Arctic who had nothing better to do but look for himself on Google...

Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed.


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