Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Canadian Idle

No, I haven't been stricken by tuberculosis; the lack of posts over the last few days is simply due to the fact that nothing's been happening here. It was Groundhog Day at the beginning of the month, and we seem to have been stuck in a rut ever since (but without Sonny & Cher on the radio every morning). The weather has been the same every day: clear blue skies, -25°C, no wind. We are in desperate need of a blizzard to shake things up.

The end of this week promises a little more interest however. Barack Obama visits Ottawa on Thursday, and on Friday we have a school fishing trip which, whilst not my normal cup of tea (my normal cup of tea would freeze out on the tundra anyway), should provide a change from the norm. Strips of plastic shopping bag make for good bait apparently (don't ask me why), and I shall be testing out that theory; watch this space for the full report.

In the meantime, I shall have to satisfy myself by watching American Idol which, so far, promises to be the poorest season ever. Tonight's show has been like watching a two hour car crash; even Paula has been critical! The commercial for the upcoming Wolverine movie was good though. Dan, if you're reading, it opens on May 1st and I should be back around May 10th - get the tickets in!



Ofcourse I am reading this.. consider them booked!

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