Monday, February 2, 2009

Superblow Sunday

No, that's not a typing error...

It was Superbowl Sunday yesterday, the day on which the moniker 'world champions' is handed out to an American team for triumphing over another American team after a season long struggle to defeat a whole bunch of other American teams.

Now, whilst I must admit that the game itself was actually quite exciting, the two undoubted highlights most certainly did not involve the players or the play. The first came at halftime, when Bruce Springsteen took centre stage for 12 glorious minutes - oh that the game had been the halftime show to three hours of The Boss - and the second came in the fourth and final quarter, just after Larry Fitzgerald had scored for the Arizona Cardinals.

Cable viewers in Tucson, Arizona, were suddenly treated to 30 seconds of unannounced (and presumably unplanned) hardcore porn, showing a woman unzipping a man's trousers followed by a graphic act between the two. Whilst most viewers would have been outraged and some may have been pleasantly surprised, at least one person was simply bemused:

"I just figured it was another commercial until I looked up," viewer Cora King told the Arizona Daily Star.

"Then he did his little dance with everything hanging out."

Told you I didn't need to check my typing.


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