Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas top 10 (part five)

Well, we finally arrive at the top of our festive countdown. Many songs failed to make the cut that, on another day, could quite easily have been there, and if I were to repeat the exercise on another occasion then we would most probably not end up with the same ten tunes. However, my top two would most certainly still be in there somewhere, and without further ado, here they are:

2. Greg Lake - I Believe In Father Christmas (1975)
Grand. Play Loud. I'll say no more.

1. Bing Crosby & David Bowie - Peace On Earth/The Little Drummer Boy (1977)
The ultimate Christmas song? In my book, yes. Log fires, woolly jumpers, harmonies around the piano, snow falling outside...and Bing Crosby. It has to be the full version though, complete with the two minute introduction from the Bing Crosby's Merrie Olde Christmas show of which it was a part; did you know that the 'Peace On Earth' part that Bowie sings was written especially for the show as Bowie actually hated Little Drummer Boy and refused to sing it? Kind of glad he refused, because the end result was true Christmas magic.

Hope you enjoyed our Christmas top ten, and all that remains now is to wish you all, wherever you may be, a truly Merry Christmas; see you in a couple of days.



I'm glad Greg Lake was up there at no2. My favourite Christmas song. Thankfully he had some help with the lyrics from Pete Sinfield so its not your usual ELP tosh. As the song says: "At Christmas you get what you deserve", so here in the UK it was RATM "Killing in the name of"
All the best fro the New Year, PC

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