Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello Goodbye

So, America finally has its first Irish President in the shape of Barack O'Bama....sorry, what's that? Oh, apparently that's not right, but whatever the heritage of the new Commander-in-Chief, today was certainly a momentous day in history. Obama was suitably statesman-like, Aretha Franklin put a whole new spin on God Save The Queen and George Bush just looked plain bewildered by the whole affair; the whole notion of people actually cheering in his presence must have been a most novel experience.

Apparently it's traditional for the outgoing President to leave a note tucked inside the desk in the Oval Office for the new incumbent. I have it on good authority that the note left by Bush was written in crayon and consisted of the following short message:

'Tag - you're it! And no tag-backs.'

God bless America.


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