Sunday, June 21, 2009

Taking care of business

Hope you enjoyed the Catchphrase clip from yesterday - poor Marita really doesn't know what's going on, does she? - but I should warn you that some of the links that are presented at the end are pretty explicit. Sorry if you've already viewed any of them and got a bit of a surprise as a result, but I wonder how many of you are now going to go back in order to see what you missed? My warning is obviously lost on people like you, a bit like the red triangle that Channel 4 used to display in the corner of the screen to alert any unsuspecting viewers that the program they were watching contained 'adult' content. Now, how many extra viewers did that attract?...

But I digest.

It was the longest day today, and after a few long days of my own at the storage unit I have now officially given up on sorting it out until Melanie arrives next month. I've told her to bring some extra storage unit fairies on the plane with her, but apparently they're not good flyers - ironic, given that they have wings - so they probably won't make the trip.

I'm still keeping busy though. Later this week I should be receiving my contract offer for next year's work, and it's 99% certain now that the course will be moved to Kangirsujuaq, as I hinted at last month. Last year I had to wait until the end of August until I received my contract offer so it's good to be getting it all sorted out early this time, but I've learnt that I will have to return North by August 17th, which is almost three weeks earlier than I anticipated. Now, before you raise your eyebrows in indignation over the fact that I will still have had a three month holiday, going back so soon almost halves the time that Melanie and I will have together once she gets here, which is most disappointing.

However, this situation could still change as there may yet be a further twist in the path that the forthcoming year might take. Melanie and I applied for jobs at a number of schools earlier this year, mainly in the spirit of keeping irons in the fire, but having heard nothing back from any of them we both assumed that the fire had gone out. There must have been a few glowing embers remaining though, because one of these schools contacted us out of the blue on Friday, and this morning I had a telephone interview with them.

I can't really say too much at this stage as I'm not sure what's going to happen next, but I can reveal that this was the first ever interview I've done in my pyjamas (very Canadian; pyjamas are seen as legitimate everyday clothing over here), and I will tease you with the information that if we were offered posts at this school (and accepted them), I'd have to change the title of the blog to Life in a Western Town, or something similar. Intrigued? I'll give you more news when I can, but I have to go now as a show called Impact is about to start on TV. It's 'a two part sci-fi drama about the moon on a collision course with Earth' which, as those of you who know me well will realise, is a show with my name written all over it. Now, which national monument is going to get it first?


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