Thursday, September 11, 2008

24 boxes

My cargo has arrived! The underwear crisis is now over and I have to say that I have never enjoyed cleaning and washing so much as I did today. I say enjoyed, but I guess the cleaning process was more of a necessary evil; the apartment I'm living in has finally been shorn of the grimy crust left by its previous occupants and is now something approaching a home. I must say that the most harrowing part of the process was not the removal of hitherto unseen rotting foodstuffs from the corners of cupboards, nor scrubbing unwelcome stains from around the toilet bowl, but opening a dresser draw to find a hair staring back at me...someone else's hair...eeeugh...I think I have a new phobia.

On the school front, I still have no students but I now have a list of names, so I may soon have to work for a living once again. Can't argue, I suppose; at least we didn't all end up being swallowed by a black hole today. Would have got rid of those unwanted hairs though...


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