Monday, April 27, 2009

And this little piggy went...

...aaaaargh! We're all going to die!

Well, at least he would have had he been watching CNN this weekend. The 24-hour rolling news networks simply love a crisis, and they've been simply revelling in the swine flu outbreak that's come to public notice over the last few days; they've been like a pig in s**t, you might say.

That people have died in Mexico as a result of this outbreak is undoubtedly tragic. However, almost as many people died from regular flu in America last week, and the fact that more people were killed (three) in one shooting incident this weekend than died from swine flu (zero) seems immaterial; the rolling news networks are never ones to let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Now, should I find myself in an I Am Legend scenario once the rest of the world has been wiped out by this flu, then I shall be the first to apologise, but until that time comes, I'm not going to lose any sleep over the whole deal.

But I won't be going to Mexico either.


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