Thursday, February 11, 2010

Watch the skies

The whole town was without internet access yesterday and half of today, but everything now seems to be back to normal, touch wood (not that there's much of that up here).

As a footnote to my previous post, Tuesday's power outage did have at least one positive result, in that we were all afforded an even more beautiful view of the night sky than normal. The night time vistas in these parts (or should that now be night time Windows 7s?) are pretty spectacular at the best of times due to the minimal street and house lighting here, but on Tuesday the view was even more crisp and the aurora was in full, stunning effect.

In fact, the view was so clear that at one stage you could quite clearly make out the distinct fiery trail of a Toyota as it streaked across the night sky, inexorably picking up speed as it accelerated its way toward escape velocity.

Damn clever, those Japanese.


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