Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's all about perspective

We had a first aid course at school today, and as a result I am now 100% confident in my ability to perform CPR on any limbless dummies that might be involved in accidents over the coming months. In all seriousness though, it was a very good course and a cruel irony that it was delivered on the day that Natasha Richardson died after a seemingly innocuous fall on a Canadian ski slope.

Her tragic demise is just the kind of episode that ought to put all of one's own troubles into some sort of perspective, but what actually happens is that deep down you end up thinking 'thank God that wasn't me' and then feel dreadfully guilty about having such thoughts, thus adding to those problems that should now be in that perspective we were just talking about.

Or is that just me?

On a lighter note, it looks like we might get another blizzard tomorrow, and I've spent much of the evening performing a ritual that will be very familiar to all those that work in the North. It's the one where you are constantly at the window checking on the elements, praying for snow to accompany the wind and hoping that the storm doesn't blow itself out before morning. The next few hours will be critical, but if the blizzard doesn't come then I suppose I shouldn't be complaining too much, especially after last week's five day weekend.

It's all about perspective.


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