Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Locked out

I lost my keys yesterday.

Not a good idea at the best of times, but definitely not a smart move when it's -20° outside and the last of the evening light is fading rapidly. I'd been to the store to pick up my mail and buy a few essentials (bread, eggs and ramen noodles), only to find that when I got home...no keys. The fact that the clocks went forward at the weekend at least gave me an extra hour of daylight to search for them, but to no avail. The maintenance department were eventually able to let me in, and I was told that I'd get a new set today, but as I write (it's 3.30 pm), they haven't yet materialised.

The loss of said keys has made me feel somewhat emasculated; I had to ask someone in the office to let me into my classroom this morning, and as it stands I will be relying on the kindness of others to let me into my apartment again this evening. The decision to simply go home at the end of the day has been temporarily taken out of my hands, and I have to say it's a strange feeling. Still, at least I have a home to go to, which is not a luxury afforded to everybody, and when I finally get there, I have food I can put on the table.

I'm looking forward to my ramen noodle and egg sandwich.


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