Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Double vision

As a footnote to yesterday's inauguration, if President Obama ever finds the going simply too tough to handle over the next few years, he can always hire this guy to take his place:

Uncanny is not the word (bird is the word, apparently). The man on the left is one Ilham Anas, and he lives in Jakarta in Indonesia where, coincidentally (or is it ironically?.....Alanis, Alanis, can you come here a minute?) Obama went to school when he was a boy. I'm not sure how much presidents get paid, but I'd be willing to wager that Mr Anas stands to make considerably more money than Mr Obama over the next few years, and he's already appeared in an ad in the Philippines:

Oh, and perhaps somewhat presciently, an anagram of Ilham Anas is 'Anal Sham I'; let's just hope, for all our sakes, that the bottom doesn't fall out of his market.



too funny! "Dave", meet Obama! I smell a conspiracy in the works.

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