Thursday, August 27, 2009

Whale meat again

For centuries the Inuit hunted bowhead whales, but commercial whaling drove the species to the edge of extinction, causing a ban to be imposed on such hunting. However, a reassessment of the bowhead population confirmed that numbers were actually far higher than originally thought, and in 2008 a party of hunters from all around Nunavik were allowed to go on the first bowhead hunt for over a century. The hunt set sail from Kangiqsujuaq, and so it was again this year. A team of 20 set off on August 19th in search of their bowhead, and earlier this week they returned triumphantly with their catch, a 56 foot beast that would probably have weighed in at something approaching 120 tonnes.

The success of such a hunt is an emotional time for the Inuit here, for as well as marking the safe return of the hunters themselves, it also marks a return of a great tradition, one that reminds both young and old of who they are and where they come from. If the Inuit are to hold on to their culture then events such as these are of the utmost importance, and whereas a few years ago I might have viewed such a spectacle as being both unnecessary and cruel, my experiences in the North have totally changed my opinions on such matters.

The meat from the whale will be shared around all the fourteen communities in Nunavik, and last night saw our community feast at the recreation centre here. It was a joyous occasion with singing, dancing, accordion playing and even a bit of heavy metal courtesy of Quppia (one of my students) and Adamie, and of course there was lots of food. I can now add whale to the list of country food that I've sampled, and whilst I wouldn't rank it at the very top, it certainly provided a great deal of chewing value! One novelty last night was that all the food was cooked rather than raw, and it really was a fine feast, one that all the community enjoyed. It was both a pleasure and a privilege to be involved, and my bowl of ramen noodles this lunchtime seemed all the more bland in comparison!



I see what you did there with your title. haha

I am happy to see that you won't need me to invite you for dinner. Although, I like to think that it wasn't just about the food :)

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