Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The demise of Angus

After bemoaning the fact that we needed a change to liven things up, I've been struck down by the Arctic equivalent of Delhi Belly - 'Tundra Tummy' maybe? - and am currently enjoying, or should that be enduring, an unscheduled day at home. To compound matters, I also received some sad news from the UK.

You may remember, a couple of posts ago, that I wrote about the terrible winter that the home country is enduring, and I posted a picture of Angus the snowman in my mum's back garden. Well, it would seem that winter has now released its icy grip, and it is my sad duty to inform you that Angus is no more:

May he rest in peace.



Sorry to hear that you are not well. Anything to do with your fishing trip? You wouldn't actually eat fish caught with plastic bag 'bait' would you?
Re Angus: Yup, a week later and no sign of the snow. It seems the country has gone to the dogs, lost a few quid and gone back to work. Even the pot holes opened up by the frosts have been repaired on my route to school! PC

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